Sharp Tools 4
Artist Interviews

Sharp… Sharp… Sharp… Sharp…

Friday only means one thing… The next chapter in the Sharp Tools series has landed at your digital retailer! Steven and George Sharp tell us the story behind each track…

Move You Heavily influenced by the likes of Olav & Sneak, this entire EP was heading in a tough disco direction. Lots of driving loops and disco stab cut ups. Our aim was to meet somewhere between the European and NYC styles of Disco House.

I Can’t Tell You We always tried to include a big diva vocal on one track per Tool and on Volume Four it was “I Can’t Tell You”. Big, long breakdown and vocal teasing before it comes back with a punch!

Psycho The great thing about having 3 different tracks per EP is that there are no rules and with this track we just had fun in the studio. We loved this vocal so just built a driving disco influenced House foundation around it.

Buy and stream it here:

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